The 4:8 Men Podcast

What Your Number One Goal Should Be

Episode Summary

Josh McDaniel joins Christian to go into detail about his attempt to compete in the CrossFit Games at a young age, what the greatest goal in your life should be, and how to get your priorities straight and keep them that way. When you truly see someone's life changed spiritually, it's greater than any personal record, national championship, or achievement. Set a goal, and prioritize your week starting now!  -

Episode Notes

Josh McDaniel joins Christian to go into detail about his attempt to compete in the CrossFit Games at a young age, what the greatest goal in your life should be, and how to get your priorities straight and keep them that way. When you truly see someone's life changed spiritually, it's greater than any personal record, national championship, or achievement. Set a goal, and prioritize your week starting now! 
