The 4:8 Men Podcast

Physical Fitness Is a Gift from God, Not an Idol | Christian Huff & Earl McClellan

Episode Summary

Christian and Earl McClellan, Pastor of Shoreline Church in Dallas, TX, share a bond for physical fitness and sports. Christian and Earl understand the temptation to idolize the physical, but find that dedicating time and effort to the Lord each day helps keep them grounded. They examine the urge to protect their families and consider how to balance their own instincts and fire with the humility that God calls us to. -

Episode Notes

Christian and Earl McClellan, Pastor of Shoreline Church in Dallas, TX, share a bond for physical fitness and sports. Christian and Earl understand the temptation to idolize the physical, but find that dedicating time and effort to the Lord each day helps keep them grounded. They examine the urge to protect their families and consider how to balance their own instincts and fire with the humility that God calls us to.
