The 4:8 Men Podcast

How to Fit in Your Workout Without Burning Out

Episode Summary

Christian speaks with Miles Fidell, lead pastor at Auburn Community Church, about how to carve out time for workouts no matter how hectic your life gets, why going to bed can be the most spiritual thing you do, and how your workouts can have a direct impact on your soul. They also talk about Willie Robertson's hometown basketball league, how spiritual health impacts relationships, how to make sure physical fitness doesn't become an idol, and why staying healthy could mean time away from social media. Miles reveals why he never preaches on Sunday without working out first and how workouts, nutrition, and rest all go hand in hand with discipleship. -

Episode Notes

Christian speaks with Miles Fidell, lead pastor at Auburn Community Church, about how to carve out time for workouts no matter how hectic your life gets, why going to bed can be the most spiritual thing you do, and how your workouts can have a direct impact on your soul. They also talk about Willie Robertson's hometown basketball league, how spiritual health impacts relationships, how to make sure physical fitness doesn't become an idol, and why staying healthy could mean time away from social media. Miles reveals why he never preaches on Sunday without working out first and how workouts, nutrition, and rest all go hand in hand with discipleship.
